Chez Dodo(Project 10)

Chez Dodo
art direction & graphic design for an artisan macaron manufacture

When we first met I already knew her from the photos of Balázs Glódi. She was wearing a silk blouse with hummingbirds on the pictures. We decided together to use this small, quick and colorful bird as the symbol of the brand.
When we first met I already knew her from the photos of Balázs Glódi. She was wearing a silk blouse with hummingbirds on the pictures. We decided together to use this small, quick and colorful bird as the symbol of the brand.
Big data support global synergy, sustainable social return on investment inclusion society. Strategize technology; effective altruism energize our work segmentation. The NGO; outcomes paradigm think tank, technology social impact.

‘Who quit their career for baking’ – book design for a cookbook on baking bread
Csipet Kiadó is a family run, small-scale Hungarian publishing company devoted to the craftmanship of baking since the beginnings.
Their latest piece is an introduction to the Hungarian craft bakery scene through personal interviews and recipes. It features twelve skilled Hungarian bakers who left their former profession to study and cultivate the art and science of bread baking.

We tried to keep the classy elegance with the end sheets as well and used a warm, cinnamon brown tone which reflects the colour palette of the photos thorough the book.
art direction, book design by Eszter Laki
graphic design by Eszter Laki & Réka Imre
photographs below by András Zoltai
Xmas at Chez Dodo(Project 11)

Xmas at Chez Dodo
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P photography by Balázs Glódi
A art direction, graphic design by Eszter Laki
G graphic designers – Ivett Lénárt & Eszter Laki